Jul 7, 2022Liked by Jim Lucio

I commend you for not only boldly pursuing truth and freedom, but for being brave enough to LOVINGLY try to help others hear, see, realize, scrutinize snd comprehend with discernment. Also for being humble enough to admit your own struggles in life, so that others may benefit from what you’ve been through. Like you said, there are so many people who for whatever reason, they would rather have their head in the sand and deny that things are really going the wrong direction. I once read a book that described the bourgeoisie as the class that “rejected and denied suffering in any form”. People don’t want to rock the boat, people are afraid - either of repercussions, or of what they are false told to be afraid of, people are wanting the mindless (false) security of following the crowd, along just normal good people who can’t possibly imagine a doctor or government official lying to them. The latter, I believe, in a lot of cases, is because they themselves are so honest that they cannot even comprehend someone doing what is being done these days. And the attack is coming from so many places, it’s a constant onslaught a propaganda that is an every fabric of society.

This was a great read and I appreciate you putting all your thoughts down. Hopefully those of us who are trying to stand for the truth will someday soon prevail, although in the meantime there may be broken relationships and other casualties. I think the most important the truth warriors can do is to be bold yet compassionate and not ever stoop to their hateful tactics. And then if we are fortunate enough to win them over, that we remain humble. But the lies must be exposed and rejected!

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Thank you for your kind words. It's a spiritual war we can't afford to ignore. Thank you for your support.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Jim Lucio

You are welcome and thank you for your friendship, I am learning a lot from you. And yes it’s definitely a spiritual war. I believe that’s not only the realm where it starts but where we win as win. God bless you Jim!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jim Lucio

This is not only your best column but it’s also one of the best I’ve read on the subject. I will comment again later after I read it a second or third time and get it all digested. Thank you for saying all these truths

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Much appreciate. Thank you!

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